Fire Hazards and Fire Drills


● Fire Hazards

Examples of Fire Hazards:

1. Objects that can generate heat.

2. Overloading power sockets

3. Smoking.

4. Human error and negligence. 

5. Combustible material being stored on site.

6. Flammable liquids and vapours.

7. Dust build-up

8. Faulty electrical equipment. 

Harmful Nature of Fire:

1. Flames burn the things.

2. Heat and water vapour from combustion can cause severe damage.

3. Dangenerous effects due to smoke and soot.

4. Serious effects due to toxic chemicals

Types of Fire:

(a) Fire involving solid materials (wood, paper, textiles etc.) 

(b) Fire involving flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel, oils etc.

(c) Fires involving gases

(d) Fire involving metals 

(e) Fires involving electrical apparatus.

How to Prevent Fire Hazards? 

1. Avoid hot work if possible.

2. Train people.

3. Ensure that the area is clear of flammable or combustible materials.

4. Use of written permit system.

5. Supervise the work.

6. Avoid accumulation of dust to a dangerous level by following a regular housekeeping. 

7. Keep display of safety information for every liquid that is stored.

8. Store flammable liquids properly.

9. Control all ignition sources 

10. Provide personal protective equipment

11. Keep equipments and machinery clean. This cleaning including surrounding areas, avoid the risk due to grease or dirt particles.

12. Prevent overheating of machinery.

13. Follow maintenance procedures regularly.

14. Do not overload electrical equipment or circuits.

15. Don't leave temporary equipment plugged in when it is not in use.

16. Avoid using extension cords.

17. Use antistatic equipment where required.

Effects of Fire:

1. Fire impacts people, property and the environment. 

2. Many human systems are affected by wildfire smoke.

3. Fire affects respiratory system.

4. Burning of skin, organs, fatal nature are dangerous impacts.

● Fire Drill

Meaning: Fire drill is a method of practicing how a building would be evacuated in the event of a fire. Normally, the building's existing fire alarm system is activated and the building is evacuated as if the emergency had occurred.

Steps in Fire Drill:

1. Communicate with the local chief or Fire Marshall

2. Create an in-house safety committee

3. Communicate evacuation routes to people.

4. Suggest alternate routes in case of emergency

5. Conduct fire drill regularly. 

During the Fire Drill:

Supervisory staff are to monitor the fire drill process and note any of the following: 

1. Are individuals closing the doors after exiting rooms

2. Are individuals remaining calm and proceeding towards the nearest exit?

3. Are individuals assembling at the designated muster point?

4. Are fire wardens ensuring the safe evacuation of all individuals

After the Fire Drill:

1. Record the total evacuation time in the evacuation checklist report.

2. Silence the alarms, reset the fire alarm system.

3. Ensure the fire alarm system is back to normal operating condition. 

4. Inform individuals that they can re-enter the building.

5. Keep record of the fire drill.

Advantages of Fire Drill:

1. It ensures that people exit the building in a timely fashion and know the designated area.

2. People know the evacuation routes.

3. Fire drills are an opportunity to practice evacuation procedures to make sure all involved are familiar with them.

4. Fire drills are also helpful for testing escape routes to evaluate their effectiveness. 

5. Due to fire drills we can ensure that alarm systems and fire safety equipment are in working condition

6. Everyone is aware of how to get out of the working place in the quickest and safest way.

7. After mock drill, improvements can be suggested to have effectiveness in the evacuation process.

Fire Drill Objectives:

1. Giving employees an opportunity to practice emergency procedures in a simulated but safe environment

2. Determining if employees understand and can carry out emergency duties.

3. Evaluating effectiveness of evacuation procedures.

4. Complying with requirements of the local fire code.

Fire of Fire Drill:

1. Fire prone places - Once in 3 months. 

2. Other work places - Once in 6 months.

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