Needs for safety Management & general safety norms for an industrial unit


Safety Management is needed because: 

1. Managing workplace safely is an important goal of an organization.

2. It ensures better working environment for employees.

3. The software system used in safety management always help to record, manage and analyze safety related data. 

4. This system can see exactly where accidents and unsafe situations are occurring.

5. Safety management also ensures proactive steps to eliminate accidents. 

6. Due to safety management system, day to day activities are observed through paper forms, excel sheets, software application to record the safety data. Also to investigate accidents. It also take follow-up and feedback mechanism. 

7. Safety management ensures centralized compliances from all locations.

8. Safety management brings repeatability to safety operations, when processes are repeatable, they can be methodically improved.

9. Safety management make standardization so that all locations operate uniformly. 

10. It automates the safety investigation process.

11. Safety management softwares enhance communication and sharing of appropriate data among supervisors, managers, safety professionals, medical staff etc.

12. Due to safety management corrective actions are taken.

13. It helps to place employees in jobs suitable to their work restrictions. 

14. It ensures that when a task is carried out in your workplace, every precaution has been taken to avoid accidents.


1. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

2. Personal Protective Equipment is anything that is used to protect human body, eyes, face, ears, head, extremities, all other body parts

3. Personal Protective Equipment must be available and in good working condition.

4. Head protection: There should be use of appropriate head protection when exposed to overhead hazards from electrical shock, burn hazards, impact hazards and penetration hazards. Head protection is required when exposed to object falling from above.

5. Eye and Face protection: Each employee shall use eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or gas vapours. 

6. Hearing protection: Each employee exposed to noise levels that exceed 85 decibels for an extended period must wear approved ear plugs.

7. Hand and Foot protection: Each employee should use appropriate hand and foot protection when exposed to injury from potential skin absorption hazards, chemical or thermal burns, electrical dangers, cuts, fractures etc.

8. Protective clothing and personal hygiene: ● Protective clothing shall be worn by those persons who are exposed to hazards such as solid and liquid chemicals, high or low temperatures, open flames and large amount of ultraviolet light.

● When persons are exposed to moving or rotating equipment protective clothing must fit tightly.

● Shirts shall be tucked in

● Long sleeves must be buttoned

● Jewelery should not be worn when operating industrial equipment 

9. Lockout of energy sources:

● All employees should follow the strict procedure for lockout of energy sources. 

● All equipments/circuits should be locked out to protect against accidental operation.

● Do not attempt to operate any switch, valve bearing a lock.

● Any employee not following procedures should be subjected to strict disciplinary actions.

10. Hand tool and portable power, tool safety:

● All persons should use personal protective equipment while using any tools

● Check for working safety guards, shields, warning labels etc. 

● Always use right tool for the job.

● Dull tools are more dangerous than sharp ones. So use sharp tools.

● While working an electrical equipments, ensure that all metal hand tools are insulated.

● Never use compressed air to remove dust and debris from clothing.

11. Compressed gas cylinders:

Use only those cylinders that are approved for interstate transportation 

● Close the cylinder main valve and bleed the lines.

● Remove any regulators.

● Tighten the cylinder valve cap.

● Cylinders may be rolled for moving purposes but not dragged.

● When there is doubt about how to use the cylinder, the user shall contact the supplier of the cylinder for consultation.

● Regulators and pressure gauges are to be used only with gases for which they are designed.

● Cylinders should not be kept near elevators.

12. Welding and Cutting tools:

● Use fire resistant gloves.

● Use a leather cap to prevent hot sparks.

● Hard hats shall be used when there is a hazard of falling objects. 

● Goggles, helmets and shields should be used for all types of welding.

13. Power movers and tractors are designed to seat only the driver.

14. Avoid lack of oxygen in a space that could cause immediate respiratory failure.

15. Serious care must be taken where toxic gases or vapours can poison the workers.

16. Avoid slipping, trapping surfaces.

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