Indian Boiler Regulation Act | Maintenance Procedure of Boilers

Indian Boiler Regulation Act :

● IBR is Indian Boiler Regulations, which was created in 15th September 1950 in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28 & 29 of the Indian Boilers Act The Indian Boilers Act was formed in 1923, 23 February to consolidate and amend the law relating to steam boilers.

● Steam boilers under IBR means any closed vessel exceeding 22.75 liters in capacity and which is used expressively for generating steam under pressure and includes any mounting or other fitting attached to such vessel which is wholly or partly under pressure when the steam is shut off.

● Steam pipes: IBR steam pipe means any pipe through which steam passes from a boiler to a prime mover or other user or both if pressure at which steam passes through such pipes exceeds 3.5 kg/cm above atmospheric pressure or such pipe exceeds 254 mm in internal diameter and includes in either case any connected fitting of a steam pipe.

Registration of a new Boiler

1) The owner of any boiler which is not registered under the provisions of this Act may apply to the inspector to have the boiler register. Every such application shall be accompanied by prescribed fee.

2) On receipt of an application under subsection (1),the inspector shall fix a date, within thirty days or such shorter period as may be prescribed from the date of the receipt, for the examination of the boiler and shall give the owner there of not less than ten days notice of the date so fixed.

3) On the said date the inspector shall proceed to measure and examine the boiler and to determine in the prescribed manner the maximum pressure. If any , at which such boiler, may be used, and shall report the result of the examination to the Chief Inspector in the prescribed from.

4) The Chief Inspector, on receipt of the report, may

     a) Register the boiler and assign a register number there to either forth with or after satisfying himself that any structural alteration, addition or renewal which he may deem necessary has been made in or to the boiler or any steam-pipe attached, or

     b) Refuse to register the boiler: Provided that where the Chief Inspector refuses to register a boiler, he shall forthwith communicate his refusal to the owner of the boiler together with the reasons therefore.

5) The Chief Inspector shall, on registering the boiler, order the issue to the owner of a certificate in the prescribed form authorising the use of the boiler for a period not exceeding twelve months at a pressure not exceeding such maximum pressure as he thinks fit and as is in accordance with the regulations made under this Act.

6) The Inspector shall forth with convey to the owner of the boiler the orders of the Chief Inspector and shall in accordance there with issue to the owner any certificate of which the issue has been ordered, and, where the boiler has been registered, the owner shall within the prescribed period cause the register number to be permanently marked there on in the prescribed manner.

The renewal of certification of a boiler is done

1) A certificate authorizing the use of a boiler shall cease to be in force

   (a) On the expiry of the period for which it was granted, or

   (b) When any accident occurs to the boiler, or

   (c) When the boiler is moved (excluding vertical boilers with heating surface less than 200 sq.ft.,(portable boilers or vehicular boilers),

   (d) When any structural alteration, addition or renewal is made in or to the boiler, or

   (e) If the Chief Inspector in any particular case so directs when any structural alteration, addition or renewal is made in or to any steam pipe attached to the boiler,

   (f) On the communication to the owner of the boiler of an order of the Chief Inspector or Inspector prohibiting its use on the ground that it or any steam pipe attached there to is in a dangerous condition

2) Where an order is made under Clause (f) of Sub Section (1) the grounds on which the order is made shall be communicated to the owner with the order.

3) When a certificate ceases to be in force the owner of the boiler may apply to the Inspector for a renewal thereof for such period not exceeding twelve months as he may specify in the application

Provided that where the certificate relates to an Economizer or an unfired boiler which forms an integral part of a processing plant in which steam is generated solely by use of oil, asphalt or bitumen as a heating medium, the application for its renewal may be for a period not exceeding twenty-four months.

4) An application under Sub Section (3) shall be accompanied by the prescribe fee and, on receipt there of, the Inspector shall fix a date, within thirty days or such shorter period as may be prescribed from the date of the receipt, for the examination of the boiler and shall give the owner there of not less than ten days notice of the date so fixed.

Provided that, where the certificate has ceased to be in force owing to the making of any structural alteration, addition or renewal, the Chief Inspector may dispense with the payment of any fee.

Provided further that in the case of an Economizer or an unfired boiler which forms an integral part of a by processing plant in which steam is generated solely use of oil, asphalt or bitumen as a heating medium, the date fixed for its examination shall be within sixty days from the date of the receipt of the application and the owner shall be given not less than thirty days notice of the date so fixed.

5) On the said date, the Inspector shall examine the boiler in the prescribed manner and if he is satisfied that the boiler has steam pipe or steam pipes attached there to are in good condition shall issue a renewed certificate authorizing the use of the boiler for the specified period at a pressure not exceeding such maximum pressure as he thinks fit and as is in accordance with the regulations made under this Act.

Provided that renewed certificate issued under this subsection in respect of an Economizer (or of an unfired boiler which forms an integral part of a processing plant in which steam is generated solely by use of oil, asphalt or bitumen as a heating medium) may authorized its use for a period not exceeding twenty four months 

Provided further that if the Inspector

 a) Proposes to issue any certificate:

   i) having validity for a less period than the period entered in the application.

   ii) Increasing or reducing the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be used or

 b) Proposes to order any structural alteration, addition or renewal to be made in or to the boiler or to any steam pipe attached there to.

 c) Is of opinion that the boiler is not fit for use the Inspector shall within 48 hours of making the examination inform the owner of the boiler in writing of hid opinion and the reasons therefore and shall forthwith report the case for orders to the Chief Inspector.

6) The Chief Inspector, on receipt of a report under Sub the regulations made there after order the renewal of the certificate in such terms and on such conditions, if any, as he thinks fit, or may refuse to renew it: Provided that where the Chief inspector refuses to renew a certificate, he shall forthwith communicate his refusal to the owner of the boiler, together with the reasons therefore.

7) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent an owner of a boiler from applying for a renewed certificate therefore at any during the currency of a certificate.

Maintenance Procedure of Major Components of High Pressure and FBC Boiler

    Proper operation and maintenance of boiler and its distribution system can save significantly on energy bills. Since many boiler systems operate at an average efficiency of only 65 to 75%. In general the check should include analysis of firing rate, flue draft, air fuel ratio. stack temperature, combustion air setting, flue carbon dioxide and oxygen readings, and control calibrations.

1. Washing Out the Boiler:

   In every three months of operation, boilers should be shut down, drained, opened up, flushed out with a high pressure hose, and inspected. There after this procedure should be repeated as often as conditions wa Tubes and tube sheets should be inspected for sale formation and pitting. This inspection will show the effectiveness of the water treatment

 2. Cleaning the Fire tubes : 

   Inspect all the fire side of the tubes. The tubes they have soot deposits in them which result in incomplete combustion If the soot particle observe then they mus be cleaned. Tube cleaning is done by opening the front and rear doors and brushing the tubes from either end Remove all loose soot and accumulations of sediment Always cover door gaskets with graphite and oil or an antifreeze compound before closing the doors. This makes the doors easier to open for future cleanings.

3. Refractory Maintenance :

   Check the refractory construction of the boiler, open and cleaning. Regularly wash and coat the refractory with a diluted heat resistant cement to prolong its life Joints and cracks should be faced with the cement as well; otherwise, extensive damage can occur.

   If segments of liners become burned out or broken, replace them the same kind of material. If general deterioration of the refractory becomes apparent, it will be necessary to replace the refractory. Check boiler insulation, refractory, brick work, and boiler casing for hot spots and air leaks, repair and seal as necessary. Replace boiler door gaskets if they do not provide a tight seal.

4. Pressure maintenance :

   Maintain the lowest steam pressure that is adequate to meet space heating or process demands. Reduce steam pressure during low demand periods. Where high pressure steam is required for turbines or other processes which operate only a portion of the year, reduce the system steam pressure for the rest of the year. Shut down boilers when their heating function is unneeded, but don't cut back heating levels in areas where there is a possibility that freezing damage could result. Boilers that are shut down should be property drained and dried out to prevent the possibility of freezing or corrosion

5. Burner Maintenance:

   Observe the burner flame regularly during operation. A symmetrical flame is a good indicator of a clean burner, a distorted flame indicates a dirty burner. Gas burners rarely cause problems and should not require cleaning and inspection more than once a year. Oil burners should be cleaned periodically. For burner cleaning first clean the oil burner, remove the burner assembly from the front of the boiler. Dismantle the burner nozzle and clean it throughly, following the manufacturer's directions.

6. Lubrication in Boilers :

   Boiler equipped with Pump and fan motors are pre lubricated bearings, sealed bearings, or standard ball bearings. Depending on the type of boiler, there may be fuel pumps, makeup water pumps, circulating pumps, and fresh air fans, each with an individual motor and drive that may require lubrication. The fresh air dampers may also require lubrication.

Sealed bearings generally does not require additional lubrication for three years or more. Standard bearings normally require lubrication once a year. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation as to the frequency of lubrication and lubricant required.

7. Outdoor Temperature :

   When outdoor temperatures are moderate, switch boiler control to manual low-fire setting. The boiler will operate longer between cycles at a higher overall efficiency. Shut one boiler down during mild weather to improve operating efficiency.

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