Preventive Measures & Safety Procedures


1. Safe Working Methods: Operations in the factory must be designed considering safety first Possibility of accident should be eliminated. Prior care must be taken for that, while deciding the methods and operations.

2. Proper Selection of Workers: Disciplined, mentally stable emotionally balanced and alert people always work in safe manner. Workers with above qualities, with good motive of work must be selected for the work. The attitude and aptitude of workers must be tested through various psychological tests and interviews at the time of selection.

3. Training for Safe Working: Training gives knowledge of work, which improves person's attitude and gives correct direction Trained employees work safely. Proper workers with proper training is the better manpower to be employed. So training of workers is the assurance of safe working. Hence, training is one of the preventive measures to avoid accidents,

4. Accident Prone Areas: Survey of industrial processes, plant layout, material transportation, sensitive operations help us to understand where the possibility of accident is more. Corrective actions and prevention can be taken at such places. Instructions regarding the same make awareness among the concerned authorities or employees and thus accidents can be avoided.

5. Safety Devices: During the industrial operations prevention can be taken by using safety devices. Helmets, goggles, breath purifiers, pads, hand gloves, safety shoes, aprons, protection shields are some of the personal safety devices which can be used. It depends on the type of process and kind of body exposure. Unnecessary extra care which creates difficulties in work must be avoided. Persons must be trained to use the safety devices effectively,

6. Safety Programme: A systematic working with safety is possible through establishment of Safety Department. This department will be dedicated for safety related work only. A complete schedule for safety awareness will be carried out by the same. Workers can be educated by conducting various safety programmes and imparting trainings to make them conscious for safety.

7. Safety Provisions:

● Fencing of rotary and moving parts.

● Provision of fire extinguishing equipments.

● Employment of adolescents on dangerous machines must be restricted.

● Availability of first Aid facilities.

● Instructions for 'safety and related precautions', while working must be displayed wherever required.

(8) Promoting Safety Awareness in Employees:

Eventhough everybody knows miseries of accident, there are number of accidents everyday. So it is also important to create safety consciousness among the employees. By the following ways management may promote safety awareness:

1. Safety training programmes.

2. Display of Banners, Posters which underlines importance of safety. 

3. Organising Seminars, Conferences, Sessions by experts on industrial safety related issues.

4. Displaying safety related messages, instructions, guidelines near the work area.

5. Competition in industry related to safety and awards to those departments where minimum accident instances occur.

6. Celebrating safety awareness week for creating safety consciousness among employees.

7. Formation of safety committees

8. Publication of articles related to industrial safety in the company periodicals / magazines.

9. Essay competition picture competion, slogan competition related to industrial safety

In these ways or other management can create environment of safety awareness. 

The above mentioned safety procedures, preventive measures and safety awareness plans may reduce accidents considerably. Accidents are undesirable and hence this safety approach is the vital one.


Safety procedure includes following:

1. Develop, establish and maintain plans for safety,

2. Define policies for administration of a safety programme which will include safety training, industrial safety, safe working conditions etc.

3. Providing accident prevention guidance to staff.

4. Developing safety education, award programmes to create safety awareness.

5. Reviewing documents related to safety, and directions mentioned in handbooks.

6. Understanding legal systems related to accidents and deciding policies accordingly. 

7. Providing Safety Engineering at workplace.

8. Short term and long term planning for safety factors related to technical developments associated operational methods

9. Formation of Safety Department with dedicated staff for the same function.

10. Establishing procedures of safe working.

11. Checking the ground reality and finding out accident prone areas. Actions must be taken to avoid accidents.

12. Handling workman's compensation claims and correspondences after unfortunate occassions. 

13. Provision of safety aids first aid services near the workplace.

14. Documentation related to accidents should be maintained. 

15. Review of plans related to construction, facilities, equipment and other systems confirmation with acceptable safety standards.

16. Evaluating and approving safety practices in potentially hazardous areas / operations.

17. Ensure that, the health and safety of all employees are taken care.

18. Accident analysis to learn in future for no repetitions of the same.

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