Planning by Supervisor | Resource Use, Advantages & Disadvantages.



    When an organization creates a strategic plan, it defines its long-term goals and mission. To achieve these goals, it must next define the necessary daily operations and participating groups that will make it come to fruition. This is operational planning and supervisors play a key role in the function, and success, of such planning.


    Operational planning requires an analysis of manpower needs. A supervisor will determine how many players he needs, as well as what skills each player will bring to the project. If there are not enough in-house employees to fulfill the tasks at hand, the supervisor will need to recruit additional staff. This may translate into hiring full-time personnel, or utilizing a temporary agency if the project is not long-term. He will create a job description, propose compensation and interview prospective workers. The supervisor will assemble a team, apprise team members of the goals and ensure all team members can work cohesively toward the common goal.


   Once the manpower needs have been addressed, the supervisor will set a schedule based on the enion needs, Scheduling is an integral component of a successful project. Different teams are co dependent on the completed work of others so timing can be critical. If production falls behind the Supervisor must react quickly and make scheduling adjustments to stay on course Scheduling is also a critical factor in tracking a project budget. If the team falls behind in production, overtime may need to be approved to catch up. A supervisor must weigh the pros and cons of going into overtime vs. hiring additional staff to work.


   Communication may be the most key role of the supervisor in operational planning. To function effectively, a team needs a comprehensive understanding of the long- and short-term goals and the processes by which it will fulfill those goals. Team members need clear, concise instructions on expectations and duties as well as timely feedback once production begins. The supervisor must answer questions as well as relay adjustments that need to be made. He also needs to report progress to upper management on a regular basis, as well as interact with other supervisors to ensure project continuity.


   A good supervisor always knows where his project stands at any time. Though he performs an oversight role he needs to become hands-on if a situation arises. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure quality standards are met and project deadlines are realized. The supervisor must monitor the performance of each team member to ensure the employee stays focused on the end results and works in tandem with other team members. If an employee lapses in his duties, the supervisor must address and rectify the situation quickly before it affects production.

Supervisory Planning for Resource Use

The main parameters are mentioned below:

1. Full use of human resources. 

2. Efficient use of space.

3. Employee work schedules.

4. Use of other major physical resources

5. Safe working environment. 

6. Improvement in work procedures and methods.

7. Use and security of materials, supplies and data.

Full Use of Human Resources:

● Find out plans for employees recruitment, selection, training, promotion etc.

● Use correct person at correct place. 

● Train to those who are lacking skills.

● Assist employees as per their SWOT (Strength - Weakness - Opportunity - Thread) analysis.

● Support weak employees.

● Motivate subordinates for better output 

● Use skills of employees effectively.

Efficient Use of Space:

● Use space of material movement, storage, safe working, open space etc.

Employees Work Schedules:

● Allot proper work to every employee.

● Use their time effectively.

● Consider absenteeism and use alternative employee.

● Plan overtime if work increases.

● Do shift time management.

Use of Other Major Physical Resources:

● Material planning is important to improve productivity.

● Machine utilization also needs proper planning by supervisor 

Safe Working Environment:

● Plan for safe working practices. 

● Plan for training of employees for their safety.

● Plan to make precautions at the shop floor.

Improvement in Work Procedures and Methods:

● Method study should be planned.

● Also plan work study techniques.

● Plan work methods in such a systematic way that there will be saving of time.

Use and Security of Materials, Supplies and Data: 

● Careful planning of security of materials.

● Supervisor is responsible for data security

● Supervisor should plan every item of material regarding its use and security.

Advantages of Planning by Supervisor

1. It gives direction to workers

2. Planning can reduce the impact of change.

3. It reduces waste.

4. Planning establishes objectives of standards that facilitate control.

5. Due to planning there is better utilization of resources.

6. Planning by supervisor gives economy in operations. Because he avoids unnecessary activities on shop floor.

7. Planning minimizes future uncertainties. 8. Planning promotes growth and improvement

9. Planning by supervisor prevents hasty judgements. 

10. Planning by supervisor encourages innovative thoughts.

11. Planning creates forward looking attitude in team members. 

12. Once supervisor plans the operations, the efficient methods can be developed.

13. Problematic situations can be handled properly if rest of the things are planned properly.

Limitations of Planning by Supervisor

1. When there is change in technology, the complete planning fails.

2 Due to planned route of work, there can be problem when emergency situation arises.

3. Supervisor may loose more time to do precise planning. 

4. A systematic plan using scientific methods is costly.

5. Supervisor may remain in the false sense of security. Because things in future cannot be predicted perfectly

6. Due to tight planning, the operations are decided in prior and hence there is no flexibility in the work.

7. At many places, planning is not suitable

Characteristics of Planning by Supervisor

1. It is an interdependent process.

2. Growth and prosperity of the department depends upon quality of planning. 

3. Planning is nothing but looking into the future.

4. Planning is a continuous process.

5. Planning by supervisor is done for a specific period. 

6. Planning involves predetermined line of action.

7. Planning integrates various activities of the department.

Difference between Supervisory Planning and Managerial Planning

Supervisory Planning → Managerial Planning

1. Supervisors make short-term planning. → Managers make long-term planning.

2. Example: Scheduling daily activities, securing raw material, completing production targets purchasing etc. etc. → Example: Policy decisions, employee hiring, purchasing etc.

3. Supervisors looks into work of his subordinates. He takes care of work flow. Subordinates report him about their work. → Managers may or may not have employees reporting directly to him. He looks after department.

4. Supervisors are internally focused in planning. → Managers are externally focused in planning.

5. Supervisors manage groups of employees. → Managers deals with projects.

6. Supervisors' duties are focused on internal operations. → Managers' focuses on strategic plans.

7. Supervisors plans budget related to manpower, overhead, raw material and other small expenses → Manager plans large budgets for capital projects.

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