The CNG Engine : Compressed Natural Gas & its working.

CNG :- Compressed Natural Gas

● The CNG engine used a second fuel tank which has to be attached to the vehicle, and is situated in the trunk. This tank is usually larger in size, as it has to keep the gas used compressed. 

● The pressure range may vary from engine to engine. The driver has a choice to run the vehicle using any one fuel by simply pressing a switch on the dashboard. This means that the car can alternate between the different tanks, drawing fuel from either.

Working of CNG Engine

 1. A CNG vehicle is a combination of the two content part of both gasoline and CNG Vehicle.

2. The CNG engine uses a separate fuel tank situated in the trunk. The size of tank is large to keep the gas compressed.

3. The driver has a choice to run the vehicle using any one fuels by simply operating a switch.

4. Once the driver select the CNG tank, the compressed gas is in the tank is sucked through a series of highly pressurized line until it reached the regulator.

5. The function of regulator is to control the pressure on the gas to match the amount of fuel needed by the fuel injection system of the vehicle engine.

6. When pressure of gas reach to acceptable level, The Salon oiled valve allows the gas to move into the fuel injection system and mixed with air in the proper proportion in engine.

7. This mixture is then enters into the suction manifold to the engine. During this Piston moves downward. This is stroke is called has induction or suction stroke. The gas and air mixture is compressed to required compression ratio which increases temperature and pressure and it is ignited in the combustion chamber.

8. Due to combustion large amount of heat energy is released increasing temperature and pressure which acts on Piston to move the Piston downward developing power which moves the vehicle forward.

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