Disappeared Massage in Whatsapp & Payment features in whatsapp

Two New Features of WhatsApp.
1.Disappeared Massage

Disappeared Massage :
     In the message disappeared, it happens that you talk to someone and they save your massage and if you want that massage to be deleted.  So after activating the message disappeared, your sent message will be automatically deleted in the front mobile after 7 days.


Process to On Disappeared Massage :
1. Whatsapp
2. For personal Chat :- Select Person Chat → Click there profile →Disappeared massage → Click On
For Group Chat :- In group chat only group admin can on disappeared massage remaining menber are not eligible.
Process → Whatsapp → Group Chat → Group Profile → Disappeared massage → Click On.

Problem In Disappeared Massage setting → 
      When you disappeared Massage on, a notification will go to the front that you have been disappeared Massage and that notification will be written in your chat section something like that.
* You turn on disappeared message. New message will disappear from this chat after 7 days.
And In Front Person Written Like this :-
* ( Person Name ) turn on disappeared message. New message will disappear from this chat after 7 days.

2. Whatsapp Payment Features :- 

In this payment features. You can transfer money to your family,friend by using WhatsApp.

Process to link bank to whatsapp payment :-
1. Whatsapp → Click 3 point in upper side → Payment → link your registered mobile number to bank.

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