What is Communication Barriers | Language,Fare , Power of speech,perception,Time limit

Communication Barriers
      Everybody intend to communicate effectively, it does not happen frequently due to various communication barriers. For effective communication, a candidate has to cons ciously and Deliberately overcome certain barriers. 

Communication Barriers

    ◆ These communication barriers are :
● Language 

● Fare 

● Power of Speech 

● Perception 

● Motivation 

● Time Limit 

There may be many more barriers, but these  are the important one that influence the outcome of the interview. One mast be conscious and concerned about this barriers, and should take action to overcome them.

   The reason why communication barrier exist, are discussed below.

(1) Fair : Many students suffer from fair :

        ◇ am I right or wrong? This come from confusion and lack of confidence and knowledge.

      ◇  What if I Fail? This fear may come from lack of confidence, knowledge, too strong desire to succeed or too much of a need for a job. One must overcome this fear of failure by taking it easy. Fair is the worst enemy of success in life.

     ◇ Should I express myself or not? This fear  of expression comes from lack of language skill and courage to express one's view.

     ◇  What will the other think? This comes from timidity and hesitance in opening of one's mind, and from concern of not exposing oneself to others. This is a big hindrance to one's success.

(2) Language : This is the main medium of expression, and plays the most important role in the communication process. Lack of proficiency in the language is the big barriers to one's ability to communicate. Fortunately in India, English is accepted has a common language for communication. This gives students the advantage of knowing, improving and practicing one language, that is applicable across the nation and the globe, whilst  in search of a job.

  To express ideas and answers, one needs to have ‛languages skill' as well as the ‛Power of the speech'. The power of speech concern how you speak and deliver your talks i.e. the way you say it. If ‛language' is what you say,
then the power of speech is how you say it.

    The lack of language skill is mainly due to the absence of the practice of speaking the language ( English ) in our daily communication. Language skill refer to how you form and frame sentence, use words, grammar and punctuation, and use the right vocabulary. Speed is concerned with your mode of delivery, articulation, clarity, accent, and body language. The latter means body or facial expression, physical gestures,etc.

     Both language and speech can be serve barriers of communication. If the student is not fluent in these skills.  These can be developed by intense practice. For many, these skills develop naturally by practice during studying or working in a Cosmopolitan environment, where English is being used has the common medium of communication. In general, student should consciously try to develop the habit of expressing oneself in English daily in their class environment.

(3) Motivation : The lack of motivation can be barrier to effective communication, which keeps the student away from exercising his mind.

(4) Perception : Perception is the way individual interpret and conceive message received from others. The change in perception from one person to another comes from our past experience and socio- economic background. Perception cause us to see things differently view people and understand message differently. it also restricts a person effectiveness and efficiency to communicate. The antithesis of ‛perception- biased mind' is the ‛open mind'. One has to have an open mind approach to understand a communication and to respond correctly. 

    An open and positive frame of mind helps to overcome a great deal of perceptual problems. One must learn and try to see things and receive message with positive perceptive.

(5) Time limit : Time is precious resource, and all interview are conducted within a definite time frame. Within this limit, all the student or candidate have to be examined. This puts pressure on every candidate. Candidates have to communicate their knowledge, ability and worth, within this short time. Such a situation often create psychological pressure on the candidate, and causes problem in effective communication.

 Therefor, Students should prepare their thought and style of response, well in advance.
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